SQL Data Types

SQL Data Types

SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to manage and manipulate data in relational databases. Each column in a table has a specific data type that defines the type of data it can hold. These data types help ensure data integrity and optimize storage.

Here’s a breakdown of SQL data types, categorized with syntax and examples:

1. Numeric Data Types

Numeric data types store numerical values, including integers, decimals, and floating-point numbers.

Integer Types:

  • TINYINT: A very small integer.

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            small_value TINYINT
  • SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, INT (or INTEGER), BIGINT: Store increasingly larger integer values.

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            medium_value MEDIUMINT,
            large_value BIGINT

Decimal Types:

  • DECIMAL (or NUMERIC): For exact fixed-point numbers.
    • Syntax: DECIMAL[(precision, scale)]
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            price DECIMAL(10, 2) -- 10 digits, 2 after the decimal point

Floating-Point Types:

  • FLOAT, DOUBLE (or REAL): For approximate values.
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            weight FLOAT,
            height DOUBLE

2. Character/String Data Types

These store alphanumeric data.


  • CHAR: Stores fixed-length strings.
    • Syntax: CHAR(M)
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            fixed_name CHAR(10)


  • VARCHAR: Stores variable-length strings.
    • Syntax: VARCHAR(M)
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            dynamic_name VARCHAR(50)

Large Text:

  • TEXT, TINYTEXT, MEDIUMTEXT, LONGTEXT: Store large amounts of text.
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            description TEXT

3. Date and Time Data Types

These types store dates, times, or combinations of both.


  • DATE: Stores a date (YYYY-MM-DD).

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            birth_date DATE
  • TIME: Stores time (HH:MM:SS).

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            event_time TIME
  • DATETIME, TIMESTAMP: Stores date and time.

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            order_datetime DATETIME,
            last_updated TIMESTAMP
  • YEAR: Stores a year (YYYY).

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            year_of_release YEAR

4. Boolean Data Type

  • BOOLEAN: Represents TRUE or FALSE (internally stored as TINYINT(1)).
    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            is_active BOOLEAN

5. Binary Data Types

Binary data types store binary strings.


  • BINARY, VARBINARY: Fixed and variable-length binary data.

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            binary_data BINARY(16),
            varbinary_data VARBINARY(255)
  • BLOB, TINYBLOB, MEDIUMBLOB, LONGBLOB: Store binary large objects.

    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            image_data BLOB

6. Spatial Data Types

Used for geographical data.


    • Example:
        CREATE TABLE example (
            location POINT

General Syntax Example

Here’s a table creation example using multiple data types:

  CREATE TABLE employees (
      name VARCHAR(100),
      salary DECIMAL(10, 2),
      hire_date DATE,
      is_manager BOOLEAN

In this example:

  • id is an integer with auto-increment.
  • name is a variable-length string.
  • salary has a fixed decimal format.
  • hire_date stores date information.
  • is_manager is a boolean flag.

By understanding these data types and using them appropriately, you can design efficient, maintainable database schemas.

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