React Introduction

What is React?

React is a UI-centric JavaScript library.

It enables the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces with a component-based architecture.

React efficiently updates and renders UI elements using a virtual DOM.

How does React Work?

React constructs a lightweight virtual representation of the DOM in memory.

Rather than altering the browser DOM directly, React modifies a virtual replica in memory first, then applies the necessary updates efficiently.

React updates only the necessary parts, ensuring optimal performance.

React detects modifications and updates only the essential elements efficiently.

You'll explore the mechanics of this process throughout the tutorial.

React.js History

The latest stable release is React 18.0.0 (April 2022).

Initially introduced to the public as V0.3.0 in July 2013.

Originally developed in 2011 for Facebook’s News Feed.

Jordan Walke, a Facebook engineer, pioneered its creation.

The latest create-react-app version is v5.0.1 (April 2022), bundling tools like Webpack, Babel, and ESLint.

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