Go Data Types

Go Data Types

Data types in Go define the kind of values a variable can hold. Go is a language with static typing, which means a variable's type is determined during compilation.. This ensures type safety and better performance.

1. Basic Data Types

Go has several built-in data types categorized into the following groups:

1.1 Numeric Types

Integer Types

Go provides both signed and unsigned integers of various sizes:

  • Signed Integers (int8, int16, int32, int64)
  • Unsigned Integers (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64)
  • Machine-dependent Integer Sizes (int, uint, uintptr)


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var a int = 42  
    var b uint = 100  
    var c int8 = -10  

    fmt.Println(a, b, c)  

Floating-Point Types

Go supports floating-point numbers using float32 and float64.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var x float32 = 3.14  
    var y float64 = 2.718  

    fmt.Println(x, y)  

Complex Numbers

Go includes built-in support for complex numbers using complex64 and complex128.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var c1 complex64 = complex(5, 7)  
    var c2 complex128 = complex(2.3, 4.5)  

    fmt.Println(c1, c2)  

1.2 Boolean Type

A boolean variable stores either true or false.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var isGoFun bool = true  
    fmt.Println("Is Go fun?", isGoFun)  

1.3 String Type

In Go, strings are immutable and consist of a sequence of bytes.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var str string = "Hello, Go!"  

2. Composite Data Types

2.1 Arrays

Arrays are fixed-size collections of elements of the same type.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    var arr [5]int = [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} declares an array of five integers.  

2.2 Slices

A slice is a dynamically-sized, more flexible alternative to an array.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    slice := []int{10, 20, 30, 40}  

2.3 Maps

A map is a data structure that stores values as key-value pairs.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    person := map[string]int{"Alice": 25, "Bob": 30}  

2.4 Structs

Structs allow defining custom data types by grouping related fields together.


package main  
import "fmt"  

type Person struct {  
    Name string  
    Age  int  

func main() {  
    p := Person{"John", 28}  

3. Interface Type

Interfaces define a set of method signatures that types can implement.


package main  
import "fmt"  

type Speaker interface {  

type Human struct {}  

func (h Human) Speak() {  
    fmt.Println("Hello, I am a human!")  

func main() {  
    var s Speaker = Human{}  

4. Pointer Type

Pointers store memory addresses of variables.


package main  
import "fmt"  

func main() {  
    x := 42  
    p := &x  

    fmt.Println("Value:", x)  
    fmt.Println("Pointer Address:", p)  
    fmt.Println("Value via Pointer:", *p)  


Go offers a rich set of data types, from primitive types like integers and floats to complex structures like maps and interfaces. Having a clear understanding of these types is essential for writing optimized Go programs.
