GPT-4 is OpenAI’s most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses.
GPT-4 Vs ChatGTP (GPT-3.5):
- GPT-4 is more accurate
- GPT-4 can handle and process more information
- GPT-4 is capable of handling 32,768 tokens or over 64,000 words (Instead Chat GPT-3.5 was capable of handling 4,096 tokens, or roughly 8,000 words)
- GPT-4 can process images (This was not supported by ChatGTP)
- GPT-4 understands more languages better, compare to ChatGPT
- GPT-4 is paid
ChatGPT Use Cases:
Content Creation
Fast Development Assistant
Code Generation
Issue Resolvation
Developer Assistant in many ways to do 10x fast productivity
Smart AI solution as an alternative to Google, Bard, and many other AI Platform