Best Free Course to Learn Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis


What Will You Learn?

Understand analytic graphics and the base plotting system in R
Use advanced graphing systems such as the Lattice system
Make graphical displays of very high dimensional data
Apply cluster analysis techniques to locate patterns in data

About This Course

Provider: Coursera
Format: Online
Duration: 54 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be well-equipped to conduct comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis
Course Prerequisites: Basic Understanding of Data Analysis
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Johns Hopkins University
Key Topics: Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Analysis, R Programming, Ggplot2, Cluster Analysis
Topic Covered: 
  1. - Introduction
  2. - Installing R
  3. - Installing R Studio
  4. - Setting Your Working Directory
  5. - Principles of Analytic Graphics
  6. - Exploratory Graphs
  7. - Plotting Systems in R
  8. - Base Plotting System
  9. - Base Plotting Demonstration
  10. - Graphics Devices in R
  11. - Lattice Plotting System
  12. - ggplot2
  13. - Hierarchical Clustering
  14. - K-Means Clustering
  15. - Dimension Reduction
  16. - Working with Color in R Plots
  17. - Clustering Case Study
  18. - Air Pollution Case Study


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