What Will You Learn?
Unlock the potential of Java with this comprehensive free course designed for beginners. Covering crucial topics like setup, data types, control structures, arrays, OOP, exceptions, file I/O, inheritance, interfaces, and complex data structures. Get ready to create Java applications with confidence.
About This Course
Provider: Udemy
Format: Online
Duration: 16 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginners
Learning Objectives: Able to do programming in Java and you'll gain a strong foundation in programming after completing this free course
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: John Purcell
Key Topics: Java Programming Language, Basic Java Concepts, OOP
Topic Covered:
- - Introduction and Installation
- - A Hello World Program
- - Using Variables
- - Strings: Working With Text
- - While Loops
- - For Loops
- - Getting User Input
- - Do ... While
- - Switch
- - Arrays
- - Arrays of Strings
- - Multi: Dimensional Arrays
- - Classes and Objects
- - Methods
- - Getters and Return Values
- - Method Parameters
- - Setters and "this"
- - Constructors
- - Static (and Final)
- - String Builder and String Formatting
- - The toString Method
- - Inheritance
- - Packages
- - Interfaces
- - Public, Private, Protected
- - Polymorphism
- - Encapsulation and the API Docs
- - Casting Numerical Values
- - Upcasting and Downcasting
- - Using Generics
- - Generics and Wildcards
- - Anonymous Classes
- - Reading Files Using Scanner
- - Handling Exceptions
- - Multiple Exceptions
- - Runtime vs. Checked Exceptions
- - Abstract Classes
- - Reading Files With File Reader
- - Try: With: Resources
- - Creating and Writing Text Files
- - The Equals Method
- - Inner Classes
- - Enum Types: Basic and Advanced Usage
- - Recursion: A Useful Trick Up Your Sleeve
- - Serialization: Saving Objects to Files
- - Serializing Arrays
- - The Transient Keyword and More Serialization
- - Passing by Value
- - ArrayList: Arrays the Easy Way
- - Linked Lists
- - HashMap: Retrieving Objects via a Key
- - Sorted Maps
- - Sets
- - Using Custom Objects in Sets and as Keys in Maps
- - Sorting Lists
- - Natural Ordering
- - Queues
- - Using Iterators
- - Implementing Iterable
- - Deciding Which Collection to Use
- - Complex Data Structures