Course Details

Build and Deploy Your First Decentralized App with Etherem

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What Will You Learn?

Welcome to this 100% free course where you're going to learn how to create and deploy Ethereum smart contracts.
Smart contracts allow you to create decentralized apps that can harness the power of the blockchain for a wide variety of use cases. 

About This Course

Provider: Udemy
Format: Online
Duration: 1hr 28min to complete [Approx.]
Target Audience: Beginner
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course you will learn how to create Smart Contracts and Interact with them through a Web3 User Interface.
Course Prerequisites: Basic Understanding of JavaScript, Blockchain, HTML, and CSS.
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Gary Simon
Key Topics:
- Create Smart Contracts in Solidity
- Build User Interfaces with Web3
- Deploy a Smart Contract
- Work in the TestRPC Environment
- Work in the Ropsten Test Network
Topic Covered:  
- What are Smart Contracts and Decentralized Apps?
- Variables and Types
- Creating a Web UI for our Smart Contract
- Solidity Events
- Function Modifiers
- Mappings and Structs
- Inheritance & Deployment
- Finishing the Web3 UI


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