Course Details

Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python by Building a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

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What Will You Learn?

Learn Python fundamentals by building a blockchain and cryptocurrency in this comprehensive tutorial. Explore Python's versatility for web development, data science, machine learning, and utility scripts while creating a practical blockchain application.

About This Course

Provider: Class Central
Format: Online
Duration: 2 hours 9 minutes to complete [Approx.]
Target Audience: Beginner
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course you will learn Python fundamentals by building a blockchain and cryptocurrency in this comprehensive tutorial.
Course Prerequisites: understanding of programming concepts.
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Academic
Key Topics: Gain hands-on experience with blockchain technology as you progress through carefully structured modules, setting a solid foundation for further Python development across various domains.  
Topic Covered:  
- Introduction
- What is Python
- Installing Python
- Blockchain Technology
- Versatility
- Python History
- How to get the most out of the course
- Modules overview
- Numbers and variables
- Integers and floats
- Operators
- Blockchain


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