Learn AWS Serverless Framework with Top Free Course

AWS + Serverless Framework


What Will You Learn?

This course teaches you how to use a serverless framework along with AWS. It is especially for system architects who want to use the serverless framework to create complex architecture, but it can be enjoyed by beginners and folks with a basic understanding of AWS.

About This Course

Provider: Udemy
Format: Online
Duration: 1hr 48min to complete [Approx.]
Target Audience: Beginner
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, you will learn to use the serverless framework and AWS. 
Course Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of AWS
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Rohit Abraham
Key Topics: How to use the serverless framework, Install Serverless, Connect Serverless with AWS, Create our first application in Serverless,
Topic Covered: 
- Introduction
- Drawbacks of Using Serverless Architecture
- What is a serverless framework
- Serverless vs CloudFormation
- What is Lambda Computing
- What happens when we do a serverless deploy
- Dissecting the Serverless.YML file
- The AWS Provider
- Creating an independent S3 Bucket


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