Course Details

AWS Certified Solutions Architect

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What Will You Learn?

AWS Certified Solutions Architect is one of the most popular cloud computing certifications. In this full course taught by an expert trainer, you will learn the major parts of Amazon Web Services, and prepare for the associate-level AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam.

About This Course

Provider: YouTube
Format: Online
Duration: Some days to complete [Approx.]
Target Audience: Beginner
Learning Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be ready to take the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam - and pass! 
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Andrew Brown
Key Topics: you will learn the major parts of Amazon Web Services, and prepare for the associate-level AWS Certified Solutions Architect exam
Topic Covered: 
- Introduction
- S3 
- Snowball 
- VPC Endpoints 
- VPC Flow Logs 
- Security Groups 
- NAT 
- IAM 
- Cognito 
- CLI & SDK 
- DNS 
- Route 53 
- EC2 
- EC2 Pricing 
- AMI 
- Autoscaling Groups 
- ELB 
- EFS 
- EBS 
- CloudFront 
- RDS 
- Aurora 
- DynamoDB 
- CloudFormation 


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