Course Details

Foundations of Front-End Web Development

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What Will You Learn?

Learn the skills to quickly start a career in Front-End Development today!
By the end of the course, you'll have all the tools and practical knowledge necessary to build visually rich single-page web applications, try your luck with job interviews, and kickstart your career as a Front End Developer!

About This Course

About This Course
Provider: Udemy
Format: Online
Duration: 20hr 14min to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: By the end of this free course you will be able to start with web development using HTML and CSS, and then master JavaScript for dynamic, server-connected web applications.
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Johns Hopkins University
Key Topics: Web development, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Web Applications, AJAX, DOM Manipulation, JSON, Javascript Object
Topic Covered: 
- Introduction to HTML5
- Semantic HTML
- Responsive Web Development
- Javascript, Ajax and a dash of jQuery
- Backbone.js!
- The art of Unit Testing (brownie points during an Interview!)


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