Free Course to Learn Terraform and AWS by Building a Dev Environment

Learn Terraform (and AWS) by Building a Dev Environment


What Will You Learn?

• Learn how to use VsCode.
 • AWS resources and an EC2 instance that you can SSH into to have your own 
   redeployable environment.

About This Course

Format: Online
Duration:  2 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience:Beginner
Learning Objectives:Learn Terraform basics as you utilize Visual Studio Code (On Windows, Mac, or Linux!) to deploy AWS resources and an EC2 instance that you can SSH into to have your own redeployable environment.
Course Prerequisites:NA
Assessment and Certification:NA
Instructor: Derrick Morgen
Key Topics: AWS,IAM,VPC,Terraform,IGW,AMI,EC2,Variable
Topic Coverd:
- Welcome and Setup
- What We're Going to Build
- AWS IAM Setup
- Local Environment Setup
- Let's Build! (7:22)
- AWS Provider and Terraform Init
- A VPC and Terraform Apply
- The Terraform State
- Terraform Destroy
- A Subnet and Referencing
- An IGW and Terraform fmt
- A Route Table
- A Route Table Association
- A Security Group
- An AMI Datasource
- A Key Pair
- An EC2 Instance
- Userdata and the File Function
- SSH Config Scripts
- The Provisioner and Templatefile
- The Deployment and Replace
- Variables
- Variable Precedence
- Conditional Expressions
- Outputs
- Conclusion


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