Back-End Development with Node.js and Express - Free Course

Back-end Application Development with Node.js and Express


What Will You Learn?

Create server-side applications using the Node.js JavaScript runtime.
Extend your Node.js applications with third-party packages, including Express.
Use npm to manage Node.js packages in your Node.js application.
Write asynchronous callback functions and promises to complete asynchronous operations.

About This Course

Provider: Edx
Format: Online
Duration:  16 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: By the end of this free course, you will demonstrate your Node skills with a final project to build your portfolio.
Course Prerequisites: Familiarity with JavaScript.
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: IBM
Key Topics: DevOps, HTML5, Node.js, Web Application, Application Development, JavaScript Libraries, JSON, RESTful API, Server-Side
Topic Covered: 
- Welcome to Application Development with Node.Js & Express 
- Module Introduction and Objectives
- What is Backend Development?
- Introduction to Node.js
- Introductory Thoughts on Server-Side JavaScript and Node.js
- Introduction to Server-Side Javascript 
- Creating a Web Server with Node.js 
- Working with Node.js Modules 
- Overview of NPM, Local and Global Package Install 
- Asynchronous I/O with Callback Programming 
- Creating Callback Functions 
- Promises 
- Working with JSON 
- An Introduction to Async Await
- Extending Node.js 
- Working with Third-Party Node.js Extensions 
- Introduction to Web Frameworks 
- Express Web Application Framework 
- Working with Back-end JavaScript Frameworks and Express 
- Routing, Middleware, and Templating 
- Authentication in Node.js 
- HTTP Methods and REST APIs
- Express Best Practices 
- Final Project


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