Course Details

Get started with Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL

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What Will You Learn?

• Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and determine if it is a good fit for 
   your application.

About This Course

Format: Online
Duration:  1 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: Learn about the Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL and how to get started with your first account, database, and container.
Course Prerequisites: Familiarity with Azure and the Azure portal.Experience programming with C#.
Assessment and Certification:NA
Instructor: Microsoft Learn
Key Topics: DB,NOSQL,Scenario,JSON,Database,IoT/telemetry
Topic Coverd:
- Introduction
- Azure Cosmos DB
- What is Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
- What is a JSON document?
- What is a NoSQL database?
- How does Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL work
- What are the components of Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL?
- When should you use Azure Cosmos DB for NoSQL
- Partitioning & Partition Keys
- Module Scenario
- Knowledge check


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