AWS + Serverless The Best AWS Lambda Course for Free

AWS + Serverless


What Will You Learn?

• Serverless for AWS beginners
• Lambda functions
• Basic architecture of serverless
• Create Lambda functions

About This Course

Format: Online
Duration:  2 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginner
Learning Objectives: This course teaches you on how to use AWS Lambda Function 
Course Prerequisites: Have a basic idea of AWS.
Assessment and Certification:NA
Instructor: Rohit Abraham
Key Topics: Lambda,Zip,s3,Layers,VPC
Topic Coverd:
- Introduction
- An Introduction to Lambada
- Create our first Lambda Function
- Upload Code using zip and s3
- Sign your code
- Layers
- Invocation
- Event Source Invocation
- Concurrency
- Connect to your VPC


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