Course Details

Building Event-Driven Applications With Amazon EventBridge

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What Will You Learn?

• Describe the Amazon EventBridge features and use cases.
• Introduce Amazon EventBridge into an application design.
• Route Amazon EventBridge events using rules.
• Integrate Amazon EventBridge with other services.
• Explain best practices for using Amazon EventBridge.
• Describe how to achieve reliability with Amazon EventBridge.
• Discuss high-level security features of Amazon EventBridge.

About This Course

Provider: explore.skillbuilder
Format: Online
Duration: 2 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: intermediate
Learning Objectives: In this course you will learn how to build event-driven applications by connecting multiple applications, including SaaS applications and AWS services, using the serverless event bus provided by Amazon EventBridge.
Course Prerequisites: Completed the Designing Event-Driven Architectures course.Completed the Architecting Serverless Applications course.
Assessment and Certification: Earn a Certificate upon completion from the relevant Provider
Instructor: explore.skillbuilder
Key Topics: Amazon EventBridge,Routing Events,Security,Reliability, Wrap-up
Topic Covered: 
  1. Section 1: Course Introduction
  2.          • Lesson 1: How to Use This Course
  3.          • Lesson 2: Course Introduction
  4.          • Lesson 3: Course Scenario
  5. Section 2: Overview of Amazon EventBridge
  6.          • Lesson 4: Introduction to Amazon EventBridge
  7. Section 3: Introducing Amazon EventBridge into an Application Design
  8.          • Lesson 5: Course Scenario
  9.          • Lesson 6: Applying Amazon EventBridge to an Application Design
  10. Section 4: Routing Events in Amazon EventBridge
  11.          • Lesson 7: Course Scenario
  12.          • Lesson 8: Amazon EventBridge Rules
  13.          • Lesson 9: Demo: Testing Amazon EventBridge Rules
  14. Section 5: Integrating Amazon EventBridge with Other Services
  15.         • Lesson 10: Course Scenario
  16.         • Lesson 11: Event Sources
  17.         • Lesson 12: Rule Targets
  18.         • Lesson 13: Demo: Using API Destinations
  19. Section 6: Best Practices for Using Amazon EventBridge
  20.         • Lesson 14: Favoring a Single Target per Rule
  21.         • Lesson 15: Using Built-in Event Transformation Capabilities
  22.         • Lesson 16: Determining Optimal Event Size
  23. Section 7: Security and Reliability in Amazon EventBridge
  24.        • Lesson 16: Course Scenario
  25.        • Lesson 17: Security in Amazon EventBridge
  26.        • Lesson 18: Reliability of Event Delivery
  27. Section 8: Wrap-up
  28.       • Lesson 19: Summary and Next Steps
  29.       • Lesson 20: Course Assessment
  30.       • Lesson 21: Feedback


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