Course Details

Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals: AI Overview

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What Will You Learn?

Fundamental AI Concepts
Fundamentals of machine learning
Fundamentals of Azure AI services

About This Course

Provider:  Microsoft
Format: Online
Duration:  3 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginners
Learning Objectives: Learn AI Fundamentals
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: NA
Key Topics: machine learning, AI services
Topic Covered: 
Fundamental AI Concepts
-Introduction to AI
-Understand machine learning
-Understand computer vision
-Understand natural language processing
-Understand document intelligence and knowledge mining
-Understand generative AI
-Challenges and risks with AI
-Understand Responsible AI
Fundamentals of machine learning
-What is machine learning?
-Types of machine learning
-Binary classification
-Multiclass classification
-Deep learning
-Azure Machine Learning
Fundamentals of Azure AI services
-AI services on the Azure platform
-Create Azure AI service resources
-Use Azure AI services
-Understand authentication for Azure AI services
-Exercise - Explore Azure AI Services


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