What Will You Learn?
Nested Routes in React Router v6 for organized navigation.
Handling Search Parameters and creating effective Links.
Efficiently managing data loading and handling errors.
Using Actions for data manipulation and implementing Protected Routes for secure access control in React applications.
About This Course
Provider: scrimba.com
Format: Online
Duration: 10 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: Able to become proficient in React Router v6 for seamless navigation in React applications.
Course Prerequisites: Basic understanding of JavaScript and React
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Bob Ziroll
Key Topics: React Router 6, Dynamic Routing and Route Parameters, Advanced Routing Techniques
Topic Covered:
- - What are SPAs?
- - Basic router setup
- - Route
- - Link
- - Route parameters
- - Nested routes and Outlet
- - Layout and Index routes
- - Relative paths
- - NavLink
- - Outlet context
- - Search parameters
- - Link state
- - 404 page / Splat routes
- - Loaders
- - Actions
- - Form & form data
- - defer()
- - Await
- - Suspense
- - Error handling & errorElement
- - useRouteError
- - useNavigate
- - useNavigation
- - useLocation
- - useLoaderData
- - useActionData
- - Protected Routes
- - Deploying with Netlify
- - Using Firebase for data storage