PHP Tutorial - Free Course for Beginner Web Developers

PHP Tutorial for Beginners


What Will You Learn?

In this PHP tutorial (with MySQL) you'll learn PHP from the ground up, and use it to create a simple website. We'll also be using a MySQL database to store data in, and using SQL to retrieve that data on our website. You'll learn about how to handle forms (POST, GET etc), validate data, redirect users and much more.

About This Course

Provider: Youtube
Format: Online
Duration:  5 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginners
Learning Objectives: Able to build a basic website using PHP and MySQL, including form handling, data validation, user redirection, and database interaction.
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Net Ninja
Key Topics: Programming in PHP,  MySQL, Form Validation, Classes & Objects
Topic Covered: 
  1. - Introduction to PHP
  2. - Installing PHP (XAMPP)
  3. - Your First PHP File
  4. - Variables & Constants
  5. - Strings
  6. - Numbers
  7. - Arrays
  8. - Multidimensional Arrays
  9. - Loops
  10. - Booleans & Comparisons
  11. - Conditional Statements
  12. - Continue & Break
  13. - Functions
  14. - Variable Scope
  15. - Include & Require
  16. - Project Header & Footer
  17. - Forms in PHP
  18. - XSS Attacks
  19. - Basic Form Validation (part 1)
  20. - Filters & More Validation
  21. - Showing Errors
  22. - Checking for Errors & Redirecting
  23. - MySQL Introduction
  24. - Setting Up a MySQL Database
  25. - Connecting to a Database
  26. - Getting Data From a Database
  27. - Rendering Data to the Browser
  28. - The Explode Function
  29. - Control Flow Alt Syntax
  30. - Saving Data to the Database
  31. - Getting a Single Record
  32. - Deleting a Record
  33. - Finishing Touches
  34. - Ternary Operators
  35. - Superglobals
  36. - Sessions
  37. - Null Coalescing
  38. - Cookies
  39. - File System
  40. - Classes & Objects


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