JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures


What Will You Learn?

Master fundamental JavaScript programming concepts, progressing from basic data structures to advanced topics like debugging, data manipulation, algorithmic thinking, Object-Oriented Programming, and Functional Programming. Gain practical skills for efficient coding and problem-solving in each module of this comprehensive course.

About This Course

Provider: Freecodecamp
Format: Online
Duration: 300 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: By completing this free course, you will be able to master JavaScript programming with data structure and algorithms, progressing from foundational to advanced concepts.
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Freecodecamp
Key Topics: Javascript, Data Structure, Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Debugging, Functional Programming
Topic Covered: 
  1. - Basic JavaScript
  2. - ES6
  3. - Regular Expressions
  4. - Debugging
  5. - Basic Data Structures
  6. - Basic Algorithm Scripting
  7. - Object Oriented Programming
  8. - Functional Programming
  9. - Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
  10. - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Projects


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