Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course

Data Structures Easy to Advanced Course


What Will You Learn?

Learn and master the most common data structures in this full course from Google engineer William Fiset. This course teaches data structures to beginners using high quality animations to represent the data structures visually.
You will learn how to code various data structures together with simple to follow step-by-step instructions. Every data structure presented will be accompanied by some working source code (in Java) to solidify your understanding.

About This Course

Provider: Youtube
Format: Online
Duration: 8 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginners
Learning Objectives: Upon completing this free course, you will be able to learn and master the most common data structures and acquire the skills to code various data structures, and each concept will be reinforced with working Java source code to solidify your understanding.
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Freecodecamp
Key Topics: Data Structures, Java Programming Language
Topic Covered: 
  1. - Abstract data types
  2. - Introduction to Big-O
  3. - Dynamic and Static Arrays
  4. - Dynamic Array Code
  5. - Linked Lists Introduction
  6. - Doubly Linked List Code
  7. - Stack Introduction
  8. - Stack Implementation
  9. - Stack Code
  10. - Queue Introduction
  11. - Queue Implementation
  12. - Queue Code
  13. - Priority Queue Introduction
  14. - Priority Queue Min Heaps and Max Heaps
  15. - Priority Queue Inserting Elements
  16. - Priority Queue Removing Elements
  17. - Priority Queue Code
  18. - Union Find Introduction
  19. - Union Find Kruskal's Algorithm
  20. - Union Find - Union and Find Operations
  21. - Union Find Path Compression
  22. - Union Find Code
  23. - Binary Search Tree Introduction
  24. - Binary Search Tree Insertion
  25. - Binary Search Tree Removal
  26. - Binary Search Tree Traversals
  27. - Binary Search Tree Code
  28. - Hash table hash function
  29. - Hash table separate chaining
  30. - Hash table separate chaining source code
  31. - Hash table open addressing
  32. - Hash table linear probing
  33. - Hash table quadratic probing
  34. - Hash table double hashing
  35. - Hash table open addressing removing
  36. - Hash table open addressing code
  37. - Fenwick Tree range queries
  38. - Fenwick Tree point updates
  39. - Fenwick Tree construction
  40. - Fenwick tree source code
  41. - Suffix Array introduction
  42. - Longest Common Prefix  array
  43. - Suffix array finding unique substrings
  44. - Longest common substring problem suffix array
  45. - Longest Repeated Substring suffix array
  46. - Balanced binary search tree rotations
  47. - AVL tree insertion
  48. - AVL tree removals
  49. - AVL tree source code
  50. - Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure
  51. - Indexed Priority Queue | Data Structure | Source Code


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