What Will You Learn?
This course covers essential tools for web development, starting with HTML and CSS to create modern web pages. Progressing from there, you'll learn to design pages that adapt to different screen sizes effortlessly. No more manual adjustments needed! Finally, you'll receive a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript, the foundational language of the web. With JavaScript, you'll build a dynamic web application, utilizing Ajax to bring server-side functionality and data directly to the user.About This Course
Provider: Coursera
Format: Online
Duration: 40 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Intermediate
Learning Objectives: By the end of this free course you will be able to start with web development using HTML and CSS, and then master JavaScript for dynamic, server-connected web applications.
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Johns Hopkins University
Key Topics: Web development, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Web Applications, AJAX, DOM Manipulation, JSON, Javascript Object
Topic Covered:
- - Introduction to HTML5
- - Basic HTML Document Structure
- - HTML Content Models
- - Creating Links
- - Displaying Images
- - CSS3
- - Element, Class, and ID Selectors
- - Pseudo-Class Selectors
- - Conflict Resolution
- - The Box Model
- - Positioning Elements by Floating
- - Relative and Absolute Element Positioning
- - Media Queries
- - Responsive Design
- - Introduction to Twitter Bootstrap
- - Coding the Static Restaurant Site
- - Introduction to Javascript
- - Defining Variables, Function, and Scope
- - Javascript Types
- - Common Language Constructs
- - Creating Objects Using 'new Object()' Syntax
- - Passing Variables by Value vs. by Reference
- - Function Constructors, prototype, and the 'this' Keyword
- - Arrays
- - Using Javascript to Build Web Applications
- - DOM Manipulation
- - Handling Events
- - HTTP Basics
- - Ajax Basics
- - Processing JSON
- - Dynamically Loading Home View Content
- - Dynamically Loading Menu Categories View