MySQL Tutorial for Beginners

MySQL Tutorial for Beginners


What Will You Learn?

You will learn the basics of MySQL, the globally popular open-source database. This beginner-friendly tutorial will guide you through fundamental concepts, enabling you to grasp essential skills for effective database management. By the end, you'll be equipped to confidently navigate and utilize MySQL, empowering your understanding of this widely embraced database system.

About This Course

Provider: Youtube
Format: Online
Duration: 3 hours to complete [Approx]
Target Audience: Beginners
Learning Objectives: By the end of this free course, you will have acquired foundational skills to confidently utilize MySQL, the world's renowned open-source database, enabling effective database management. 
Course Prerequisites: NA
Assessment and Certification: NA
Instructor: Programming with Mosh
Key Topics: MySQL, Database
Topic Covered: 
  1. - Introduction
  2. - What is SQL?
  3. - Cheat Sheet
  4. - Installing MySQL on Mac
  5. - Installing MySQL on Windows
  6. - Creating the Databases for this Course 
  7. - The SELECT Statement
  8. - The SELECT Clause
  9. - The WHERE Clause
  10. - The AND, OR, and NOT Operators 
  11. - The IN Operator
  12. - The BETWEEN Operator
  13. - The LIKE Operator
  14. - The REGEXP Operator
  15. - The IS NULL Operator
  16. - The ORDER BY Operator
  17. - The LIMIT Operator
  18. - Inner Joins
  19. - Joining Across Databases
  20. - Self Joins
  21. - Joining Multiple Tables
  22. - Compound Join Conditions
  23. - Implicit Join Syntax
  24. - Outer Joins
  25. - Outer Join Between Multiple Tables 
  26. - Self Outer Joins
  27. - The USING Clause
  28. - Natural Joins
  29. - Cross Joins
  30. - Unions
  31. - Column Attributes
  32. - Inserting a Single Row 
  33. - Inserting Multiple Rows 
  34. - Inserting Hierarchical Rows 
  35. - Creating a Copy of a Table 
  36. - Updating a Single Row 
  37. - Updating Multiple Rows 
  38. - Using Subqueries in Updates 
  39. - Deleting Rows
  40. - Restoring Course Databases


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